Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND)
We understand that all children are individuals and their journeys will be unique. Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are highly valued and respected at Julian's and are supported by dedicated, skilled and motivated teachers and support staff.
We are committed to meeting the needs of every pupil at the school and have high expectations of all pupils whatever their needs and abilities. We take a holistic approach, teaching a creative, inclusive and enriched
curriculum that helps every child reach his or her potential. In addition to our Inclusion Managers, we have a Wellbeing Team, Learning Mentors and Sensory Rooms on both sites. We work hard to ensure that a child’s individual challenges are addressed and monitored so that every child makes progress, both academically and emotionally.
“This is a school that recognises the importance of children feeling happy and confident within themselves to be able to learn effectively.” - Inclusion Quality Mark, Centre of Excellence, January 2020
What different types of support are available for a child with SEND at Julian’s Primary School?
There is a graduated approach to SEND at Julian’s Primary School with three different levels of support for children with additional needs:
1. Quality first teaching by class teacher
2. Targeted interventions
3. Specialist interventions or groups run by outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology, Specialist Literacy support, Occupational Therapy and Dramatherapy
School staff with specific responsibilities for SEND
At Julian's, we have appointed two full-time Inclusion Managers, one for each site. The Inclusion Manager assists the Executive Headteacher and Heads of School in determining the strategic development of SEND policy and provision in the school. They are also responsible for the effective leadership, organisation and management of inclusion and inclusive practice and in developing a clear, distinctive vision for inclusion both now and in the future. Please contact inclusion@juliansprimary.org.uk.
Lambeth Local Offer
The Lambeth Local Offer website contains full information of the services available to children, young people and their families under the Lambeth Local Offer: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/lambeths-send-local-offer