Our Vision
A positive and supportive environment for all pupils without exception.
Our vision, as a Centre of Excellence in Inclusion, is to remove barriers to learning and participation, provide an education that is appropriate to pupils’ needs, and promote high standards and the fulfilment of potential for all pupils.
In order to achieve this, at Julian’s we:
- promote positive relationships, active engagement, and wellbeing for all pupils;
- ensure all pupils can access the best possible teaching; and
- adopt a positive and proactive approach to behaviour
An ongoing, holistic understanding of the pupils and their needs.
At Julian’s we aim to understand individual pupil’s learning needs using the graduated approach of the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ approach.
Assessment is regular and purposeful, we seek input from parents/carers and carers as well as the pupil themselves and specialist professionals.
Access to Quality First Teaching for all pupils
To a great extent, good teaching for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is good teaching for all. That is why at Julian’s the first response to children’s needs will be Quality First Teaching where children are learning in class, with their peers and the strategies used are embedded into the regular practice with all children.
These may include:
- flexible grouping;
- cognitive and metacognitive strategies;
- explicit instruction;
- using technology to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities;
- scaffolding.
High quality teaching reduces the need for extra support. However, some pupils require high quality, structured, targeted interventions to make progress.
At Julian’s we have three types of interventions available to our pupils: universal, targeted and specialist. They are carefully targeted through identification and assessment of need.
Inclusion Managers
The Inclusion Managers at Julian’s are responsible for overseeing the provision for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.
Please feel free to contact the Inclusion Managers via the school office if you need any further information or have any questions.