At Julian Primary School, we take the safeguarding of pupils very seriously. Julian’s is committed to providing an environment where children feel safe and are kept safe and all staff contribute to the culture of vigilance which is embedded in our school.
Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
- Alison Møller (Executive Head of School)
- Sam Linton (Head of School, Streatham site)
- Becky Coburn (Head of School, West Norwood site)
- Our Safeguarding Governor is Chris Davies.
All staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. This system is described in statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children.
Security and Safety in School
The Governors and the school work very closely together on all aspects of safety and security in the school. It is the priority of the school to keep the children safe. Entry to the school is through designated entrances, where an entryphone system operates. All the external doors to the school are fitted with digital locks, which prevent intruders entering the school.
The Office/Admin team must be notified if children are to leave the school at any time during the school day and children should be signed out at the school offices. We also ask that children are collected from the playground, not the gate.