Useful Resources and Links
Support available through Lambeth
Parenting Support Service: Parenting Support Service | Lambeth Council
Parent forum: Join the Lambeth Parent Forum | Lambeth Council
Every pound counts: Every Pound Counts | Lambeth Council
NAS Lambeth: Lambeth (
ADHD support:
LIASS (advice and support regarding SEN):
Special Educational Needs web links for support at home
Speech, Language, Communication and Interaction
Commtap A directory of activities and resources to support development of specific speech, language and communication needs, Searchable by age phase, subject, target and level of attainment.
The Communication Trust and Consortium A range of resources to help parents develop children speech and language needs.
ICAN Games and activities to support speech and language needs.
Call Scotland A guide to android apps to support complex communication needs
PECS Activities to support children and parents using PECS (picture Exchange)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Elsa Support A range of resources, games etc. to support different areas of mental health; anxiety, anger, emotions, mindfulness etc.
Managing Change Resource Resources aimed at autistic pupils, but could be used with others to support change, particularly around COVID 19.
Autism Little Learners A range of social stories and resources around a lot of different life issues, including COVID 19, that can be used to support children’s understanding.
Call Scotland iPad Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs
Book of Beasties Create a free account to access certain activities and resources to support mindfulness and well-being.
Understood A selection of games to play to build children’s social and emotional awareness
Cognition and Learning
Oak National Academy Oak academy lessons to support children with additional needs in specific areas of maths.
Call Scotland iPad Apps for Learners with Dyscalculia/Numeracy Difficulties
We Are Teachers Active games to support maths learning
Didax Virtual physical resources to help children understand maths, cubes, tens frames, number lines, bead strings, and many more!
Call Scotland Android Apps for Learners with Dyslexia / Reading and Writing Difficulties
Call Scotland Free Powerpoint Books for Young Readers
Books for Topics List of Dyslexia friendly books
Rhyming Multi Sensory Stories multisensory stories for downloading using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs.
Oxford Owl free e-book library, select by age group
Dekko Comics Comic books that can be downloaded and support learning in different areas of the curriculum, aimed at KS2
Call Scotland Ways to use technology to Support Learners with Dyslexia
Call Scotland Resources to support SEND learning
Call Scotland iPad Apps for Learners with Complex Additional Support Needs
Call Scotland iPad Apps for Learners with Dyslexia
Home learning Apps A list of free or cheap apps for developing a range of learning skills
Vimeo Funky feet dance and movement videos
Do 2 Learn Downloadable resources, activity and lesson ideas for literacy, numeracy, behaviour and social skills of needs including social skills.
Doorway Online Accessible learning games for English, maths, memory and typing skills
Sensory and/or Physical Needs
Oak National Academy Oak academy lesson to support children with additional in in their physical development
Sensory Processing Resource Support for autistic learners with sensory processing, ideas for activities, resources and guidance for those supporting them
Call Scotland Using the iPad to Support Learners with Physical Difficulties
Call Scotland Using Windows 10 'Accessibility' Tools to Support Learners with Visual Difficulties
GriffinOT 10 weeks worth of videos with activities to develop children fine motor skills
Rhyming Multi Sensory Stories Multisensory stories for downloading using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs.
Charlie Raine Learn British sign language fun videos
Self-help and Independence
Oak National Academy Oak academy lesson developing life skills such as dressing, personal care etc.
Life Skills Resource Resources aimed at support children with autism develop essential life skills such as personal hygiene, self-care, safety, managing work and leisure activities.
Training and webinars
Lambeth Educational Psychologists webinars
Emotion Coaching - Webinar from Lambeth Educational Psychology Service
Dr Charlotte Moss explains emotion coaching. Please subscribe to our channel and get in touch with any ideas for further webinars.
Supporting your child's well-being and your children's well-being in returning to school - Lambeth
Isabella Bernardo gives some guidance on supporting your child's well-being and your children's well-being in returning to school. For further resources, see...
Visual Schedules - Lambeth Educational Psychology Service Webinar
Dr Kate Clarke explains how to support your child through using visual schedules at home.For more videos, please subscribe.
Motivating Home Learners - Lambeth Educational Psychology Service Webinar
Dr Agnes Elliot shares some tips on motivating children while they are learning from home. Please subscribe to our channel and get in touch with any ideas fo...
Routine and Sleep - Lambeth Educational Psychology Service Webinar
Dr Kate Clarke provides some tips on how to support routine and sleep at home. For more videos, please subscribe.
Webinars from Max Davie – a Consultant Paediatrician at Evelina Children’s Hospital:
ADHD National Policy - Dr Max Davie
Dr Davie is a Consultant Paediatrician at Evelina Children's Hospital, London. He is also Mental Health Officer for the Royal College of Paediatricians.In th...
T-rex brain: a way of explaining ADHD to kids
ADHD specialist Dr Max Davie explains ADHD using a T-rex and a stormtrooper.See for more.
Dr Max Davie Part 2 - Screen time & ADHD clinics
Dr Davie talked to ur Group on 20 Feb about the amount of time children spend in front of screens. He also suggested we don't need ADHD clinics!
Speech and Language Therapy:
Giving Voice - speech and language therapy
This film will explain what to expect from a community speech and language therapy session, and why it's so important that your child comes to their session....
Top Tips for Speech and Language Development in Under 5s: Tip 1
Tip 1: Get down to your child's level. You can leave us feedback here: is the second animation in our ser...
Fight Flight Freeze - A Guide to Anxiety for Kids
( video teaches kids how anxiety is a normal biological response - called "Fight, Flight, Freeze" - that can get triggered inapprop...