Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Our Governing body is diverse - just like our school. We have governors from British, African, Asian and European backgrounds.
Chris Davies is our Chair of Governors. Any correspondence for Chris can be sent c/o Julian's Primary School. To contact our School Governors, please email:
Alison Møller
Alison Moller has been the headteacher of Julian’s since 2003 when it was a small 1 form entry school on Leigham Court Road. It has since grown from 1 to 3 to 5 forms of entry over 2 sites. Alison has taught in Lambeth since 1985 and prior to joining Julian’s was a Deputy Head for 10 years at a local Lambeth school. She has held various posts of responsibility over the years including key stage leader, SENCo, Consultant and Ofsted Inspector. During her spare time Alison enjoys yoga, walking and training her dogs (including Freddie, our lovely school dog!) and spending time with her family.
Andrea Quattrin
Andrea Quattrin joined the governing body as Partnership Governor in 2023 and is member of the Achievement committee. He is a Civil Servant working on international and national security affairs and experienced leading international programmes.
Anthene Church
Athene is a Parent Governor and has two children attending our Streatham site. She is Education Lead for a schools organisation in Zambia. This role centres on continuous improvement of academic, pastoral and curricular outcomes in schools and supporting teaching and training. Athene is a member of the Achievement Committee.
Chris Davies
Chris Davies is a local authority governor who lives in south Streatham. Chris is Chair of Governors and is currently a member of the Resources Committee. He has specific responsibility for Training & Governor Development. Chris is a director at Tribal, a large management consultancy, where he leads work on education.
Ciara Eves
Ciara joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor and has two children that attended Julian's. She is the Director of Sport at Streatham and Clapham High School. Ciara is now a Partnership Governor and the Co-Chair of the Achievement Committee.
Emma King
Emma joined Julian’s Primary School in 2016, starting as a cover supervisor before training as a Schools Direct student and ultimately becoming a qualified teacher. Over the years, she has had the opportunity to work with most year groups across both of our sites but currently teaches Year 6 at the West Norwood site.
Garima Singhal
Garima joined the governing body in 2023. Garima is a qualified actuary at Isio, specialising in pensions. She is the Chair of the Resources Committee.
George German
George has been a Governor since 2022. He joined as a Parent Governor and has had two children who went to Julian’s who both loved it and have now left so George has become a Co-opted Governor. He is Co-Chair of the Achievement Committee and is the Senior Deputy Head at a large secondary school in Lewisham.
Jamie Stebbing
Jamie joined the governing board in 2023 and is a member of the Resources Committee. He is a qualified accountant working for a firm based in South-West London.
Louise Gu
Louise joined the Governing Body in 2020. She is a trustee for three charities and a school governor at two schools. Her background is in financial services and she currently works within the corporate banking department of an investment bank.
Matt White
Matt White joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in December 2018. His daughter attended the Streatham site. He is now a Co-opted Governor and responsible for Health and Safety. Matt has been working in the world of technology since the mid 90s.
Nikhil Hirdiramani
Nikhil Hirdaramani is a Partner and Director of Hirdaramani Group, is a global apparel manufacturer providing integrated apparel design, production and distribution solutions to premium global brands. He is extremely passionate and committed to influencing sustainable development through collaboration and led the development of the group’s 2025 sustainability roadmap ‘ Future First’. Nikhil is an active member leader of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), and presently leads the development and management of global partnerships with organizations such as the United Nations, IFC and World Economic Forum. He is a member of the advisory council for the British Asian Trust and a trustee of Computer Aid.
Shirin Iqbal
Shirin is a Parent Governor and has two children attending our West Norwood site. She works in communications in the property sector and is an active member of Julian's PTFA. Shirin is a member of the Resources Committee.
Tolani Adekoya
Tolani joined the Governing Body in 2023, as a Co-opted Governor. She is the Pupil Voice Governor and sits on the Achievement Committee. Tolani works as a research consultant within the technology sector, helping companies to create human-centred digital products and services.