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Julian's Primary School


Primary School




British Values

Promoting British Values as part of SMSC Provision at Julian’s Primary School


Enable children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence

How we deliver this at Julian’s

The understanding and knowledge that we expect our pupils to display

  • Class assemblies
  • Monitors; applying and being interviewed for the post
  • Peer Mediators: training and providing support
  • Sports Leaders
  • Curriculum units, i.e. Who am I, Why do I live here?
  • School Council
  • School choir - Lambeth Music Festival
  • Finding Futures programme
  • School fundraising and sports initiatives, i.e. Children in Need,
  • Open-door policy
  • Workshops - eSafety, gangs, Makaton
Learning to live in healthy and positive settings as children grow up, becoming healthy in mind, body and spirit

Enable children to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the laws of the land

  • Intake in EYFS enables children to develop a firm understanding of expectations when starting school
  • Visits from emergency services, i.e. ambulance, police
  • Class circle time/PSHE
  • Y6 - sex education
  • Class and school rules linked to school vision and values
  • School displays promote positive behaviour i.e. Golden Rules, eSafety, behaviour targets
  • Positive reward system i.e. Achievement Assembly, house winners’ awards
Living under the rule of law protects people and is essential for peoples’ well-being and safety

Encourage children to accept responsibility for their behaviour

  • Golden Rules, reinforced during circle time and assemblies
  • Whole school assemblies with positive behaviour, linked to school values with growth mindset modelled and promoted
  • RE/PSHE curriculum
Children understanding when they have made a poor choice

Encourage children to show initiative and contribute to lives of others locally

  • Charitable contributions, i.e. Foodbank
  • Harvest Festival?
  • Services at the local church
  • Public choir performances at local elderly care home
  • Children actively involved in promoting and supporting Christmas and summer fairs
  • Environment focus within curriculum, i.e. “How can we make living here better for everyone?”
Children learning to live successfully as part of a wider community

Enable children to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England (e.g. schools, the police, etc.)

  • Visits by the emergency services
  • “Our Great Exhibition” topic
  • How business and commerce works, i.e. visits to commercial institutions
  • World of Work Week
  • British history covered in the curriculum, i.e. Romans in Britain, Tudors and Stuarts, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Scots - brought to life through a rich programme of educational visits
  • Y6 unit – “The Great Uk Geographical Challenge”
  • Visits to and from secondary schools
  • Visits to local church and places of worship
  • Visits by Spinnaker and other faith groups

An understanding of the different and separate powers between different public bodies such as the police, army and courts

Learn from the events of the past to understand the dilemmas and solutions for today’s issues

Encourage respect for democracy and support in the democratic process

  • Visits to Houses of Parliament and by local MP
  • Conscience Alley activities·
  • Debating
  • International Women’s Day
  • Y5/6 monitors
  • School Council nominations/votes/meetings
  • Pupil surveys and questionnaires
  • Talk Time box
  • School Council budget control and decisions
  • Home-School agreement
  • Class contracts
An understanding of how people can influence decision-making through democratic process

Encourage tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions i.e. respect for their own and other cultures

  • Topics aimed at celebrating similarities and differences, i.e. European regional study
  • Displays reflect cultural diversity
  • Understanding how people’s religious beliefs affect their actions
  • Texts – “Rose Blanche”, “Stay Where You Are and Then Leave”
  • Parliament and Monarchy – Guy Fawkes Night
  • Teaching resources from a wide variety of sources as part of RE curriculum
  • Black History Month
  • Daily collective worship
  • International Week
  • Remembrance Sunday- safeguarding freedom; sacrifices made
  • Refugee Week

An acceptance that other people having different faiths or beliefs should be accepted or tolerated

An understanding of the importance of identifying and combating discrimination

An understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law

Children are reflective about their own lives and those about them



Julian's Primary School

Contact Us

Julian's Streatham

  • 020 8761 1894
  • 226 Leigham Court Road, London, SW16 2RB

Julian's West Norwood

  • 020 8761 1894
  • 16 Wolfington Road, London, SE27 0JF


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